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How your lifestyle might be making your neck or shoulder pain worse...

Read on for a FREE report packed full of specialist tips to get your neck and shoulder pain back under control and stop letting your pain prevent you for doing the activities you enjoy.

"Matthew diagnosed my long term (Over 10 years) shoulder and neck problem. Having had previous doctors and physios try to help, Matthew knew how to deal with my problem helping me to understand what I should do to retrain muscles and cure this pain. Matthew has amazingly, after so many years of me having a painful shoulder and neck, through massage and exercises, cured the problem. A very skilled and empathic practioner."

Get in contact today to start reducing your pain: or 07597 151 809

The modern day posture is one that does us no good at all. Approximately 21 million people in Britain spend the majority of their working life sat behind a desk (Office for National statistics, 2017). This does not even account for the people who have jobs in which people may be sat down for prolonged periods.

The truth is the modern day lifestyle and working conditions means we spend the majority of our day sat at a desk using a mouse or keyboard, doing paperwork, cutting hair, reading the newspaper, sitting on our laptops or phones, sitting watching TV. It is very difficult to be engrossed in these activities, whilst simultaneously consciously looking after the way we sit. The fact of the matter is that even the most conscientious people, who work hard on their posture will likely end up with some dysfunction in the neck or shoulders because humans were not designed to sit. It goes against every fundamental rule of how we evolved as humans.

We evolved to be upright, standing, running, jumping. These are the activities that begin to activate the correct postural muscles to prevent neck or shoulder pain. If you do any activity for prolonged periods, you will likely develop pain. If you haven’t already had pain or tightness, but you fit the description of someone who sits for the majority of their day, it may only be a matter of time before the problems start to arise. The best thing you can do if you spend a large chunk of your day behind a desk, is spend another chunk of your day, between 20 minutes to an hour doing some moderate to vigorous activity. This activates the muscles which go to sleep during the day. If you do very little exercise you are very likely to encounter pain, most commonly in the neck, shoulders or lower back. Sciatica is also common in people who are not active. The benefits of exercise goes far beyond just reducing pain though, and greatly reduces the chance of diseases such as diabetes, heart attack, cancer, dementia to name just a few.

With physiotherapy, we target the systems of muscles that are being over worked. The upper trapezius muscles which run from the neck to the shoulder are the most common culprit’s for pain in the neck and shoulder. Physiotherapy works to reduce the tension in these fatigued, overworked muscles. But more importantly, physiotherapy targets the muscles that aren’t getting worked enough. This restores equilibrium and balance back to the body, and helps to reduce pain. Identification of the issue with a thorough biomechanical assessment is key, and then a structured programme to alleviate symptoms, and just as importantly, keep your pain away.

If your neck or shoulder pain is starting to become a daily occurrence, and you worry it may start to limit what you can do day to day, or already is limiting you, then I have good news for you!

I am soon to bring out a free pain guide packed full of tips on how to manage and reduce your neck and shoulder pain. I think more needs to be done to be done to get this information into the public domain. If your doctor is unable to tell you specifically what the issue is, and they simply tell you to rest or take painkillers, they are not solving the problem! The report is full of NATURAL ways to control your pain, keep you away from painkillers, and intervene BEFORE it starts to disturb your sleep, work or even your life at home.

Get in contact today for an assessment with one of our expert physiotherapists and transform your pain so it never returns.

To start reducing your pain, contact: or 07597 151 809

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